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It’s no surprise that we as humans constantly relate our lives with money. The odd thing is how could something that is merely an object have so much impact on us. Money is almost like a drug for humans, it is a second nature to us and this goes back to the whole trading system and survival. In behavioral context,  we can’t get satisfaction in having money enough to survive, we always want more. A study done in 1947 by Bruner and Goodman found that poor children were saying money was physically larger than objects that were actually bigger in size. The conclusion of this mentality is as humans, we make money provoke us into all sorts of bizarre behavior that can’t easily be explained in terms of its function purely as a tool. This ideal can be broken down into five categories to make this behavior understandable;






  • One which was already introduced is making money bigger than it is

  • Two is that because money is always changing its value we change our mindset about it consistently as in, one dollar wasn’t worth the same 100 years ago as it is now

  • Three, we like moneys form and resist it to change such as our resistance to making a one dollar bill into a coin.

  • The fourth notion is we have an emotional attachment to money and when asked to describe it we often describe it as we love or hate it, regardless it makes us feel some type of way

  • Five, we give restrictions on money when it is acceptable and when it isn’t like say in politics or a new relationship.


Why must we think of ourselves?


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