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The Bigger Picture


After all of the research conducted over the course of this semester we come to find that money’s impact on society is greater than what most of us acknowledge. The problem with this finding isn’t money but it is how we allow it to influence our lives. It is important that we raise awareness about this topic because as our society evolves, money’s influence will continue to grow. We must be able to know when it is appropriate for money to be a focus and when it’s solely monetary. Money’s effects can’t just be confined to one area of society, its effects are universal on our society as a whole.


As we come to accept money as just what its purpose is we can start breaking hierarchal systems in society. When it comes to money, some are privileged and some are less fortunate. Realizing these class systems we can end marginalizing certain groups and come to equalize classes in society. Think of how we could actually achieve world peace and the clichés of ending world hunger if we came to accept money simply as a medium of exchange and not a form of power or superiority.







Money's Important Benefits

Now a days it’s common for individuals to have government influence on their financial well- being. Whether the government aids in education, health insurance, or everyday living expenses with programs such as FASFA, Medicaid, and SNAP, it is important to acknowledge the benefits money can bring. Without money from the government, those who are less fortunate than others would struggle to achieve certain things in life without the help of programs such as these.




Save your money whenever you can to help prevent future debt and financial instability.

If you hope to better your community and society as a whole, contribute to programs you believe will help that process. 

Give to those less fortunate to make the world a happier and more appreciative place. 

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